Duquette Pines HOA                                                      Monthly Board Meeting Minutes                                         April 9th, 2016


Call to Order Art Burget called the meeting to order at 8:35 A.M.  Board Members Present: Art Burget, Roy Doan, Scott Jackson. Board Members absent Diane Cowles and Mark Veristain.  Residents Present: Manager Clint Watson, Book Keeper Lisa Kindleberger,  Doug & Carol Ebling, Dave & Lisa Burt, Tom Glass, Donna Bates, Jim White, Jon Long, Jeff Maffly, and Dee Woodstrom.

I.       Property Owners Input/Comments

Roy Doan made a motion to install more signage for the meadow area regarding slower speeds and care when using the meadow for recreational purposes. Scott Jackson seconded the motion.

II.      Financials

 Lisa Kindleberger presented printed financial reports to all board members.  Lisa will assess late fees and mail statements next week.  There are about 12 outstanding HOA fees in the subdivision.  The board reviewed the budget.  Art advised Lisa to prepare a newsletter regarding the upcoming annual meeting in May.  Lisa presented 3 payroll checks to be paid along with a bill for SPF Water Engineering.  Roy Doan moved that the bills be paid as presented. Scott Jackson seconded the motion.


III.      Architectural Reviews

            1. Clint Watson submitted a drawing for a fence on his property by email.  The fence was approved via email by the board.

            2. Jeff Maffly has 3 sheds he wants to move onto his property.  He submitted a verbal request to set the 3 sheds on his lot.  The board asked for a physical drawing to show where the sheds would be placed.  Clint will check to make sure the sheds are 30 ft. from the property line as per the CCR’s.  Jeff also requested permission to bring a fire truck he owns and place it on his property and the board agreed as long as the truck was running and licensed.      

            3.  A request was submitted for a new driveway for Josh and Kim Stroh’s property. Roy Doan made a motion to have the driveway approved.  Scott Jackson seconded the motion.

            4.  Official letters of approval will be sent to all who were approved by the board.

IV.      Managers Report:  Clint Watson

3-12-16 Replaced the broken gate at the entrance.  Removed all the snow stakes.  Monitored the pumps.  Pumps are running at 6 hours.  Work regarding Garcia’s water line.  Checked side roads with Gardner for road maintenance.  Roads seem in good condition.  Clint asked the board if he could have a stock pile of gravel in the subdivision so he could repair pot holes in the road through out the year with his own tractor.  The board unanimously approved his request.  Clint is presently evaluating trouble spots on our roads to see what needs to be improved and in what order.

Jon Long: Transition

3-1-16 Had Meadow Drive and Bull Pine graded by Gardner’s for a cost of $208.00.  3-2-16 Ran the generator.  3-8-16 Training time with Clint Watson.  3-10-16 Develop water maps.  3-11-16 Entrance gate broken.  3-12-16 Clint repaired the entrance gate.  All materials, notes, pictures, etc. were turned over to Clint.

V.  Garcia Water Line

The current system is a problem.  At issue are the hydrants, electrical service to pumps, waterline size, and pump size.  Water line service should be approved before construction begins as per CCR’s.  Construction has already begun on this property and there are multiple problems.  The pump must be replaced with a 5 hp pump, (2.5 hp previously).  Pump and wiring must be installed by a licensed contractor.  The subdivision now pays for the power to run the pump.  There will be 2 new residences on this line now.  The electrician recommends individual meters for each property owner.  Over the years the subdivision has paid for electricity to the Willis/Glass property. It was unanimously decided that each property owner needs to pay their own power bill.  Recommendations:

 1. A bid is needed from a licensed electrical contractor for the new electrical service.                                                                                                                                                            2. Once electrical is upgraded who installs the pumps, the subdivision, the contractor or the homeowner?                                                                                                                      Clint will research an answer to these questions. 

Roy Doan made a motion that Garcia’s will not be allowed to hook up to the water system until the system is completely upgraded and the water hook up fee is paid.  Scott Jackson seconded the motion.

VI.  Fire Protection

Roy Doan reported that there will be an open house question and answer held at the fire station in Idaho City on April 16th from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.  Roy Doan is on the fire district committee along with 3 of the volunteer firemen.  The fire district will be on the May 17th ballot for vote.


Meeting adjourned at ____11:30am_________________

Next meeting May 7th, 2016                         Respectfully submitted  Carol Ebling