Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
May 2, 2015


Attendees: Brent Adamson, Art Burget, Scott Jackson, Diane Cowles, Lynn Murdoch, Jon Long.

Guest: Dee Woodstrom, Jill Manzo, Sal Manzo, Doug Ebling, Carol Ebling, Roy Doan

Financials - Brent

·       Discussed financials and reviewed reports.

·       Liens have been placed on delinquent accounts.

·       Homeowner is refusing to pay and asked to have amount removed as home was foreclosed


Manager's Report - Jon Long

·       Removed roadside overgrowth

·       Ran the backup generator

·       Checked well run times average 8 hours per day

·       Mowed around generator shed

·       Partial grading

·       New road build up


Old Business

Fire Committee report by Roy Doan:

·       Hoping to having pricing information by next city council meeting on May 8, 2015 for contract service

·       City agrees to continue to provide fire service while we work through the details up to July 1, 2015

·       A newsletter has been drafted on this issue.

·       Recommendation: contract for short term while the subdivision addresses inclusion into area of impact   


New Business

·       Contact attorney to clarify proxy vote rules

·       send letter/information to homeowners on fire protection issue and proposed plan

·       Complaints from homeowners about garbage being moved in at the end of Grouse RD. Board will send a letter to the homeowner to address the issue.

·       Cement barricades at the end of Lantern way will be moved

·        Building plan for garage (Goodman). Will match house for siding and color. Board approved

·       Annual meeting:

o   New date, June 19   7 pm at the Senior Center

o   Focus will be on fire protection for homeowners in Duquette Pines

o   Open discussion will be limited to 3 minutes per property owner

o   Meeting will be scheduled for 1.5 hours

·       It was asked if a home could be rented on a daily basis. Answer is yes, there is nothing in the CC&Rs to prevent this.  The homeowner is still responsible to make sure CC&R rules are followed.


Next Board meeting:  June 6, 2015 8:30 AM at the Boise Basin Library, Idaho City.